Essential Oils For Muscle Pain And Joint Pain

Essential Oils For Muscle Pain And Joint Pain

More and more research is showing that essential oils for muscle pain can be an effective Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatment. Increasingly, essential oils for sore muscles are being used as part of an integrated, multidisciplinary approach to pain management. Below is information on how essential oils for joint pain and inflammation work and why combining aromatherapy for pain into your sauna sessions can enhance effectiveness. 

Found—Space (known previously as iHealth Saunas) was founded in 2008. When we discovered how beneficial infrared saunas were for both our bodies and our minds it was a no-brainer for us to help people recreate home spaces to better serve health and wellbeing through saunas. We are the longest-running infrared sauna company in Australia, are renowned for our high-quality saunas and we’re dedicated to helping our customers use their saunas effectively as part of their healthy lifestyles. If you or someone you know suffers from muscle or joint pain, here is why essential oils for joint pain and inflammation may be a great option:

What Makes Essential Oils For Sore Muscles Effective? 

Aromatherapy for pain works at a psychological, physiological and molecular level. Essential oils for joint pain and inflammation have been shown to enhance the parasympathetic response which encourages relaxation and studies have shown that when we relax this can act as a complementary treatment for chronic pain.  

When using aromatherapy for pain, it is important to ensure you know which oils are suitable, and how to use them properly, always take the advice of your healthcare professionals and consult with them if symptoms persist. 

What Are The Best Essential Oils For Joint Pain And Inflammation?

There are many different essential oils for sore muscles however lavender oil with its anti-inflammatory and relaxation properties is one of the most popular. Other essential oils for joint pain and inflammation include: 

  • Chamomile oil
  • Ginger oil
  • Bergamont oil
  • Sweet basil oil
  • Orange oil
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Geranium oil
  • Ginger oil
  • Lemongrass oil
  • Rosemary oil
  • Peppermint oil

Combining Infrared Sauna With Aromatherapy For Pain

The number one reason people use our infrared saunas is for pain management as they have been shown to provide natural, gentle relief.

Regular sauna use can increase blood circulation which helps to move oxygen-rich blood throughout the body and into the muscles and joints. This aids our body in reducing inflammation in painful areas. Many people also use our saunas as an effective way to de-stress and relax. Adding essential oils not only enhances your sauna experience (also setting you up for better sleep) but the sauna also creates an environment that enables essential oils to penetrate the skin more effectively. This is why we include essential oils in our range of accessories.

Enquire About Using Our Saunas And Aromatherapy For Pain

Get in touch today to speak with one of our infrared sauna experts. If you’re in Melbourne or Brisbane you can visit our showroom to see our beautiful saunas first-hand to try a sauna before you buy one. Call 1800 945 239 to book your visit day and time to visit one of our showrooms. 

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