Manage Weight
Maintaining a healthy weight is a life long effort for all of us. But the best healthy fat loss and weight management results happen when the effort put in comes from a place of love for your mind and body. And a Pause. Infrared Sauna can help with that.
Healthy Weight, Happy Mind
Calories in, calories out. Keto, Vegan, Low-Carb, Fasting, Juicing, Crossfit, Yoga, Running....there’s no shortage of suggestions on how to lose and keep unwanted fat off your body out there. We know you’re smart. You know that increasing daily movement and improving your food and sleep habits will go a long way with maintaining a healthy weight. So we’re here to simply fill in the gaps about how infrared sauna can support your personal weight management efforts. Because to us, you’re great at every moment...we just want you to get a little more sweaty!
When kicking an old habit, make sure you replace it with a better, new habit. The placement of a Pause. sauna in your home will set you off on a new chapter of your health journey.
No matter how your body looks, it is a wonderful organisim. Accepting yourself as you are right now is the only way to create the changes in your body you’d like to see while enjoying your life.
Drinking water is one of the most underrated techniques for shifting unwanted fat. Regular sauna makes you hot and thirsty, so requires you to drink more water. While you sweat, this increased thirst should overall help you hydrate.
Sleep deprivation has been shown in increase the hormone grehlin which makes us feel hungry whilst decrease the production of leptin, the hormone which makes us feel satisfied. So sauna to sleep better.
Lower Your Stress Levels
Sauna 3+ times per week to lower stress hormones, helping to prevent unneeded fat storage and trigger cravings.
A Gentle Cardio Workout
The heat of a sauna slightly raises your heart rate, which can provide a gentle cardiovascular effort and help burns calories.
Enjoy A Cold Shower
This activates cold shock proteins in the body, which may also help assimilate fat. Plus it makes your mind feel clear and boosts energy.
Pause. Infrared Saunas
View our selection of low EMF, full spectrum and dar infrared saunas.
Full Spectrum
The latest in full spectrum infrared heating technology and design.
Simple infrared sauna.