Saunas and Ice Baths for Cyclists

Saunas and Ice Baths for Cyclists

Are ice baths good for cyclists? Saunas and ice baths have long been used for their health & wellbeing benefits - but what are the benefits of ice baths and saunas for cyclists? Below we list the benefits of saunas and ice baths for cyclists along with why we recommend alternating between both. 

Found—Space is a wellness tech company that specialises in equipment designed specifically to induce a hormetic stress response (known as hormesis). Hormetic stress is when exposure to low levels of stressors, things like cold, heat, exercise, or controlled fasting can improve health and recovery. Hormetic therapies (like ice baths and saunas) are designed to induce these beneficial stressors in a controlled and safe manner and we now offer both of these tools across Australia and New Zealand. If you’re keen to know are ice baths good for cyclists? And whether saunas for cyclists are beneficial, here is what Australia’s leading hormetic tech company has to say: 

What Are The Benefits Of Ice Baths For Cyclists? 

Using ice baths regularly has been shown to improve cognitive ability, build new brain synapses, activate cold shock proteins and have a positive impact on mitochondrial health. For cyclists using ice baths regularly, this can mean: 

  • Improved endurance and cardiovascular health
  • Quicker recovery time and reduced muscle soreness
  • Enhanced resilience and stress relief
  • Greater mental clarity, focus and mood

What Are The Benefits Of Saunas For Cyclists?

The benefits of saunas for cyclists are similar to ice baths through slightly different mechanisms (e.g. heat shock proteins are activated instead of cold shock proteins). Saunas can also help to improve heat tolerance, lower your heart rate, increase blood flow and improve joint circulation. 

Other benefits of saunas for cyclists include:

  • Better stress management and relaxation
  • Improved sleep 
  • Helps to remove lactic acid from your muscles
  • Reduced inflammation and swelling

To enhance the benefits of both ice baths and saunas for cyclists we recommend combining both through hot/cold therapy. By alternating between hot and cold temperatures you can boost the benefits of both as well as broaden the kinds of positive health outcomes. Hot/cold therapy has been shown to trigger lymphatic circulation and drainage, helping to remove infections and certain types of swelling.

Enquire About Ice Baths And Saunas For Cyclists

Contact us today to find out about our range of ice baths and saunas ideal for cyclists. Our team can help you determine the best ice baths and/or sauna for your needs and give you guidance on how best to use saunas and ice baths for cyclists to maximise benefits. 

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