Found-Space Living

3 iHealth Sauna Sessions For Pain Relief

3 iHealth Sauna Sessions For Pain Relief

All iHealth Saunas can be setup differently depending on what you want out of your sessions. A sauna for muscle recovery uses different temps, times etc compared to a session set up for pain...

3 iHealth Sauna Sessions For Pain Relief

All iHealth Saunas can be setup differently depending on what you want out of your sessions. A sauna for muscle recovery uses different temps, times etc compared to a session set up for pain...

The Cost Of Neglecting Our Health

The Cost Of Neglecting Our Health

What happens when we ignore the signs from our body that indicate reducing health? In this article we explore the ramifications of not attending to our health earlier on in...

The Cost Of Neglecting Our Health

What happens when we ignore the signs from our body that indicate reducing health? In this article we explore the ramifications of not attending to our health earlier on in...

Regular sauna associated with 60% reduction in ...

We all know the health benefits associated with sauna. And when we combine sauna with other daily health rituals and techniques, the power of sauna is compounded. Below is an...

Regular sauna associated with 60% reduction in ...

We all know the health benefits associated with sauna. And when we combine sauna with other daily health rituals and techniques, the power of sauna is compounded. Below is an...

7 Most Common Mistakes Mums and Dads make With Their Health.

7 Most Common Mistakes Mums and Dads make With ...

It is pretty clear that the as we age, our health trends downward. I mean, it's not like we want to become unhealthy, yet that is the path most of...

7 Most Common Mistakes Mums and Dads make With ...

It is pretty clear that the as we age, our health trends downward. I mean, it's not like we want to become unhealthy, yet that is the path most of...

How much water have you drunk today?

How much water have you drunk today?

When I instruct my clients how to use their sauna, there is recommendation that trumps all. I don't mind if they have their sauna at 30 degrees or 55 or...

How much water have you drunk today?

When I instruct my clients how to use their sauna, there is recommendation that trumps all. I don't mind if they have their sauna at 30 degrees or 55 or...

Essential Oils and Breathing in your iHealth Sa...

In this video I discuss one way to use essential oils in your infrared sauna and a quick breathing technique to help oxygenate the body!Always ensure the essential oils you...

Essential Oils and Breathing in your iHealth Sa...

In this video I discuss one way to use essential oils in your infrared sauna and a quick breathing technique to help oxygenate the body!Always ensure the essential oils you...