Found-Space Living

Must Have Fitness Tech On The Market Right Now

The key to fitness is consistency. Put in the hard yards and you’ll earn the muscle tone and weight loss you’ve been craving. But this doesn’t mean every mile should...

Must Have Fitness Tech On The Market Right Now

The key to fitness is consistency. Put in the hard yards and you’ll earn the muscle tone and weight loss you’ve been craving. But this doesn’t mean every mile should...

5 Hacks To Recover Faster From Exercise

5 Hacks To Recover Faster From Exercise

I get it, you know you should be doing that “extra” training session but your body is saying “I don’t feel like it”! In this article we aim to provide...

5 Hacks To Recover Faster From Exercise

I get it, you know you should be doing that “extra” training session but your body is saying “I don’t feel like it”! In this article we aim to provide...

Finding Your Healing Modality.

Finding Your Healing Modality.

It may takes use years to make the conscious decision, but once we begin our healing journey it can be a long and windy road towards improved, better health. Finding...

Finding Your Healing Modality.

It may takes use years to make the conscious decision, but once we begin our healing journey it can be a long and windy road towards improved, better health. Finding...

iHealth Sauna & Cold Shower In Winter!

Hi Guys,  After recommending cold showers to many of you throughout this winter, I decided I needed to make a video showing that it can be done. No Pain No...

iHealth Sauna & Cold Shower In Winter!

Hi Guys,  After recommending cold showers to many of you throughout this winter, I decided I needed to make a video showing that it can be done. No Pain No...

LIVE Again - Insights

LIVE Again - Insights

Over the last couple of weeks I am so grateful to be delivering the "LIVE Again Experience" to new owners of an iHealth premium sauna. I just wanted to share...

LIVE Again - Insights

Over the last couple of weeks I am so grateful to be delivering the "LIVE Again Experience" to new owners of an iHealth premium sauna. I just wanted to share...