Found-Space Living

Lifestyle Choices lead to weight loss
Unless you spend your free time listening to health podcasts and seeking out information on what it takes to be divinely healthy, chances are you are unaware that it takes...
Lifestyle Choices lead to weight loss
Unless you spend your free time listening to health podcasts and seeking out information on what it takes to be divinely healthy, chances are you are unaware that it takes...

Morning Routine for Weight Loss
Losing weight shouldn't be a chore, it just takes some desire and disclipine for the first few weeks. Once the healthy habbits are created it's just a way of life. ...
Morning Routine for Weight Loss
Losing weight shouldn't be a chore, it just takes some desire and disclipine for the first few weeks. Once the healthy habbits are created it's just a way of life. ...

The Truth about Crossfit
Crossfit, if you don't know someone that does it or have not seen something about it on-line or at least have heard it mentioned, that's OK. For you and the...
The Truth about Crossfit
Crossfit, if you don't know someone that does it or have not seen something about it on-line or at least have heard it mentioned, that's OK. For you and the...

6 Symptoms of Arthritis & Inflammation
Waking up sore? Having trouble opening your hands and gripping objects tightly? Experiencing constant pain in the joints? Chances are you are dealing with inflammation. Diseases related to inflammation of the...
6 Symptoms of Arthritis & Inflammation
Waking up sore? Having trouble opening your hands and gripping objects tightly? Experiencing constant pain in the joints? Chances are you are dealing with inflammation. Diseases related to inflammation of the...

It's Too Bloody Hot To Use a Sauna!
'Why do you need a sauna when it's a bloody sauna outside!?' Ahhh that classic Aussie one liner i hear every single time the temperature outside is above 25 degrees....
It's Too Bloody Hot To Use a Sauna!
'Why do you need a sauna when it's a bloody sauna outside!?' Ahhh that classic Aussie one liner i hear every single time the temperature outside is above 25 degrees....

Are Far Infrared Saunas Good For Me?
When you google "are far infrared saunas good for me", it can be confusing. Let’s try and clear that up. Firstly, infrared saunas are not bad for you! The wavelength...
Are Far Infrared Saunas Good For Me?
When you google "are far infrared saunas good for me", it can be confusing. Let’s try and clear that up. Firstly, infrared saunas are not bad for you! The wavelength...